Teach the Teacher

Feb 8 | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
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This one-day, eight-hour event will teach participants how to effectively teach pickleball to new, beginner players.

Those who meet satisfactory standards and pass the written exam will be awarded the title of certified Level 1 Pickleball Instructor and be entitled to IPTPA’s benefit package. IPTPA is the world leader in developing teaching standards in the sport of pickleball. Each participant will be given an IPTPA handbook, which forms the basis of the course content.

Part 1 (8 am-12 pm) of our workshop is in the classroom learning the IPTPA teaching methodology.
We will have a 12 pm-1 pm lunch break.
Part 2 (1 pm-5 pm) is implementing the methodology on-court.

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